Heather Stephenson is a native Iowan, born and raised on a farm in rural Carroll County. This is where she met and later married her high school sweetheart Matthew, and together they have three children. After graduating from Carroll High School, she worked as a machine operator at a local manufacturing company before registering for her first college class at Des Moines Area Community College in Carroll. Successfully completing her first college class inspired her to continue in her studies. Heather earned her Associate of Arts from DMACC, a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Public Administration from Iowa State University, and a Doctor of Education from Maryville University.
Heather has a long history of public service. After graduating from Iowa State University, she worked in the State of Iowa’s child welfare and juvenile justice system where she managed budgets and oversaw procurement and contract management. She also monitored the performance of programs checking for effectiveness, efficiency, and outcomes. She spent much of her time coordinating community planning efforts while facilitating collaboration between local entities. Heather’s passion for system improvement and advocacy for children continued as a volunteer board member of the Polk County Foster Care Review Board.
After 9/11 her husband was an active member of the armed services in combat operations, and during this time Heather leaned out of her career to stay home with her children for nearly 12 years. During this time, she served on multiple boards working on behalf of military kids and families. She served as the Treasurer of the Iowa National Guard Officer Auxiliary, as a Speaker for the Iowa National Guard Speakers Bureau, as a Board Member for the Iowa Interstate Commission on the Educational Opportunity for Military Children, and as a Board Member for Operation Military Kids.
In addition, she was a parent volunteer at Prairie Trail Elementary helping on a weekly basis with classroom support for teachers. She also assisted with The Good News Club, an after-school bible study for elementary aged students. Heather spent many hours serving with the children’s ministries as an active member of Saylorville Church. Her family now attends New City Church in Ankeny, which is a member of the Engage Network formed by Saylorville Church.
After her husband’s retirement from the Iowa National Guard, Heather returned to the labor force. When Heather re-entered her career, she found a home in Iowa’s community college system working with students as an academic advisor. In addition to her work with college students, Heather completed her Substitute Authorization and worked as a Substitute Teacher at her children’s elementary school, helping to keep the doors open during COVID.
Heather is an active member of her community and currently serves in a volunteer capacity with multiple organizations. In her neighborhood, she serves as a Board Trustee for the Ankeny Kirkendall Library, where she has served on the Book Challenge Committee. Heather currently works as an instructor at DMACC and as a training consultant for an Iowa based professional development company.
Property taxes are growing faster than is reasonable. Iowans are paying an average of 1.5 percent of the value of their home annually in property taxes. Reducing property taxes makes property ownership in Iowa more affordable. Iowa can continue the work of providing tax relief by limiting spending. I support the Governor’s government reorganization legislation and the continued realignment of operations and services to Iowans
As the wife of a combat veteran, I appreciate the selfless sacrifice of the everyday heroes in our military, law enforcement, and public safety sector. When our neighbors volunteer to serve, we need to make sure they have proper funding and support.
Iowans value our freedoms and our families. I will continue the work in our state to protect individual rights. I will work to empower parents and support policies that strengthen families.
Let us know how you can help Heather. Together we can ensure commonsense leadership for Ankeny.